The 51st Anniversary Season @ Hop Farm Brewing Company
Eight Tuesdays – May through August 2025 @ 7 p.m.
Hop Farm Brewing Company 5601 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Founded by Jimmy Cvetic in 1974 or thereabouts.
Curated by Joan E. Bauer & Kristofer Collins
Audio archive:
Hop Farm Brewing:
Week Five: Tues July 8
Halsey Hyer Gail Langstroth Marc Nieson Steffan Triplet Anne Trubek
Halsey Hyer (they/them) is the author of the full-length hybrid collection, Divorce Garter (Main Street Rag, 2024).Their micro chapbook of micro poems, Everything Becomes Bananas (Rinky Dink Press, 2022), was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2023, and their chapbook, [deadname](Anhinga Press, 2022), won the 2022 Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize. Previously an MFA in Creative Writing candidate at Florida International University, they’re currently earning their MFA in Creative Writing from Chatham University as the 2022-2024 Margaret L. Whitford Fellow.
Gail Langstroth. Raised under the Big Skies of Montana, Langstroth spent 38 years in Europe. She is a tri-lingual lecturer, international eurythmy performer, translator, poet, filmmaker, and visual artist. As a graduate of Drew University’s M.F.A. in poetry and winner of the Patricia Dobler Poetry Prize Langstroth’s book publications to date, firegarden / jardín-de-fuego (Get Fresh Books, 2020), and Ghost Friends in Praise of Jean Valentine (Lefty Blondie Press, 2025) are both bilingual. Her passions: Argentine Tango, writing with her feet, collage making, and cardinals. Her favorite fruit: ripe Spanish figs.
Marc Nieson is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and NYU Film School. His background includes children’s theatre, cattle chores, and a season with a one-ring circus. His memoir is SCHOOLHOUSE: Lessons on Love & Landscape (Ice Cube Press). He’s received a Raymond Carver Short Story Award, Pushcart Prize nominations, and been noted in Best American Essays. He teaches at Chatham University’s MFA, edits The Fourth River, and is at work on the novel, HOUDINI’S HEIRS. More @
Steffan Triplett is the author of the hybrid memoir Bad Forecast (Essay Press 2024) and the essay chapbook Constraints (DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press 2024). His recent work is forthcoming or appears in Obsidian, Foglifter, Poetry Daily, and It Came From the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror (Feminist Press 2022). He is the Managing Director of the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics and a Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Steffan has been a fellow for Canem, Callaloo, Outpost, and Lambda Literary and has received support from Tin House, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the Blue Mountain Center, and Advancing Black Arts Pittsburgh.
Anne Trubek is the founder and publisher of Belt Publishing. She is the author of So You Want To Publish A Book? (Belt 2020), and editor of Best of the Rust Belt (Belt 2024), and Voices From The Rust Belt (Picador, 2018). She is also author of The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting (Bloomsbury, 2016), and A Skeptic’s Guide To Writers’ Houses (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010). She has been publishing her Notes from A Small Press newsletter since 2018.