“A light snow fell on January 30, 2005, a typical cold Pittsburgh winter morning. Inside Calvary, the congregation had gathered for a festive coffee hour and reception to
celebrate a new and unusual ministry: a bookstore […]
Calvary people tend to be avid readers, and also boast a number of prolific writers in their ranks. The Bookstore has always stocked books by Calvary writers and often supported them with book signings. Calvary-authored books are among the store’s biggest sellers and include works by clergy – the Rev. Dr. Harold Lewis, the Rev. Arthur McNulty and the Rev. Sam Shoemaker – poet and children’s author Katherine Ayres, children’s book author Elizabeth Howard, nationally known fiction writer Stewart O’Nan, Scrabble enthusiast Richard Ekstrom and cookbook author Anoo Verghis, among others…”
About the Bookstore at Calvary:
“The Bookstore is open on Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the week, contact the Bookstore at 412.661.0120 ext. 133 (please leave a message) or by email at bookstore@calvarypgh.org and we will contact you. In addition, we can arrange for contactless pick-up of your items. Cash, check, Discover®, MasterCard®, and Visa® along with touch-free payments are accepted.”
More info: https://www.calvarypgh.org/the-bookstore-at-calvary