Pittsburgh has a rich heritage of literary institutions…
There must be something in our three rivers that inspires people to organize around their shared love of literature of all kinds. Pittsburgh is home to many organizations, large and small, including literary publications, local publishers, and unique reading series which foster creativity and make up our vibrant literary scene. We encourage you to click through the below organizations, which are each doing their part to make Pittsburgh “Littsburgh”!
If you would like to suggest an organization or group for inclusion on this page, please email us with a logo, a brief description of the organization, and any relevant website and social links.
Note: Pittsburgh’s literary scene is constantly evolving, so some of our literary organizations have longer life-spans than others. If you see an organization listed below that’s no longer active, please let us know!
Updated April 2024
9th Story Studios
Facebook & Twitter
“Giving stories a voice.”
Acquired Taste
Facebook & Twitter
“Acquired Taste is a Pittsburgh-based food-themed reading series, and will soon become a print anthol“
Air & Nothingness Press
Facebook & Twitter
“Publisher of F/SF anthologies and story collections – 25th Year, 1997-2022”
Allegheny County Library Association (ACLA)
Facebook & Twitter
“The Allegheny County Library Association (ACLA) is a system of 46 independent public libraries with more than 70 locations that collaborate and share resources to better serve County residents.”
Always Crashing
Facebook & Twitter
“Always Crashing is a magazine of fiction, poetry, and nameless things around and in-between. We publish one print issue per year and feature online content year-round. We are headquartered in Chicago and Pittsburgh.”
After Happy Hour Review
“The After Happy Hour Review is a Pittsburgh-based online literary journal.”
The Arcanist
Twitter & Patreon
“The Arcanist is a speculative flash fiction magazine where weird, but literary, stories call home.”
Autumn House Press
Facebook & Twitter
“Autumn House Press is a nonprofit publisher of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Located in Pittsburgh.”
Black Unicorn: Library and Archives Project
Facebook & Twitter
“Black feminist library & archive; an intervention; a collection reflecting the rich unfolding legacy of Black queer and trans people across the Diaspora.”
Braddock Avenue Books
Facebook & Twitter
“Braddock Avenue Books is an independent literary press dedicated to publishing both new and established writers whose work engages honestly and meaningfully with contemporary circumstances. We especially support writers who use literary fiction and the long-form essay for serious explorations of what it means to be alive today.”
Bridge and Tunnel Books
Facebook & Instagram
“Bridge & Tunnel Books is an independent literary press in Pittsburgh, PA. Our mission is to celebrate local writers, poets, and artists by connecting readers to new and experimental work from the Pittsburgh region.”
The Bridge Series
Littsburgh Spotlight
“The Bridge Series is a new series uniting the Pittsburgh literary and activist communities to raise awareness and funds for local organizations fighting the good fight in these troubling times.”
Britsburgh Literary Society
Facebook & Twitter
“Our Mission: Building bridges across communities by driving growth in British- American culture, history, education, tradition and trade in Pittsburgh.”
Carlow University MFA Alumni Association
Facebook & Twitter
“Carlow University’s MFA in Creative Writing Alumni”
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Facebook & Twitter
“Engaging the community in literacy and learning.”
City of Asylum
Facebook & Twitter
“City of Asylum builds a just community by protecting and celebrating freedom of creative expression.”
CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) Press
Facebook & Twitter
“Carnegie Mellon University Press continues to publish exemplary works of poetry and short fiction, as well as other genres.”
Coal Hill Review
Facebook & Twitter
“Online lit journal publishing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. (Imprint of Autumn House Press)”
Creative Nonfiction
Facebook & Twitter
“True stories, well told. Nonprofit foundation & quarterly literary magazine edited by Lee Gutkind.”
The Cyperpunk Apocalypse
“The Cyberpunk Apocalypse is a cooperatively run not-for-profit organization dedicated to aiding and abetting writers and comic artists in Pittsburgh, PA and by extension the world.”
Dawn Valley Press
“We are a small press based in Beaver, Pa., dedicated to helping talented writers share their gift and tell their stories (relaunched in 2015).”
Death Drive Press
Instagram & Facebook
“Death Drive Press is an anti-profit collective independent press in the rust belt; we’re a rebirth of a shared, recurring dream amongst comrades & artists who have an affinity with the death drive [….]
In addition, we’re working toward establishing an artist interview feature on our website; the Megaphone Reading Series, an outdoor series featuring Pittsburgh-based writers reading their work through a megaphone; reviving Goat Farm Poetry Society, weekly reading & writing poetry groups; crowdfunding financial resources to create Vending Ma-zines, vending machines that would distribute radical literature throughout Pittsburgh.”
Eulalia Books
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram
“Publisher of literary translations with a particular interest in contemporary poetry and hybrid-genre works. Housed at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA.”
Forbes and Fifth
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram
“An undergraduate interdisciplinary journal of research, creative writing, and scholarly articles at @Pitt_OUR.”
Forever Young Adult
Facebook & Twitter
“The book club for fans of young adult who are a little less y and a little more a.”
The Fourth River
Facebook & Twitter
“A journal of nature & environmental writing, published by Chatham University’s MFA in Creative Writing Programs.”
Greater Pittsburgh Festival of Books
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram
“The Greater Pittsburgh Festival of Books showcases Pittsburgh’s historic role on the national and international literary stage. The Festival provides an opportunity for readers, writers, publishers, educators, neighbors, and more to connect in an educational environment.”
grlhood: a community writing project
“grlhood aims to give girls ages 12 through 18, including non-cis and trans youth, the platform to define themselves first, outside mainstream perceptions of adolescent femininity found in popular media, celebrity, and academic study.”
Hemingway’s Summer Poetry Series
“Hemingway’s Summer Poetry Series – Every other Tuesday night May – early August @ White Whale Bookstore. 4754 Liberty Avenue. Readings in-person and live-streaming.”
Hot Metal Bridge
Facebook & Twitter
“Literary magazine published by MFA students at the University of Pittsburgh // Home of the [in brackets]podcast.”
Hyacinth Girl Press
“Feminist DIY arts-anarchy in chapbook form.”
Imagin8 Press
“We are dedicated to promoting a peaceful world by bridging the divide between different cultures. Our sole focus is on publishing high quality, enjoyable books for English speaking people who want to read and understand Chinese.” (Based in Verona, PA)
[in brackets] podcast
Spotify & Twitter
“Literary podcast of Hot Metal Bridge, “a magazine published by MFA students at the University of Pittsburgh.”
Jane Austen Society of North America – Pittsburgh Region
“The Pittsburgh region meets 4-6 times a year in various venues around the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Some of these meetings include informal teas with group discussion. Some include a viewing and discussion of a movie adaptation of a Jane Austen novel. Others are more formal luncheons. These luncheons feature speakers who discuss Jane Austen, her life, books, and movies, as well as Regency England.”
Duquesne’s :Lexicon Journal
Facebook & Twitter
“Duquesne University’s literary journal.”
Last-Picked Books
“We’re a small press based in Pittsburgh on the lookout for what you might call B-Sides and Rarities.
We believe in giving a chance to high-quality works that have been passed up by other publishers, works that don’t fit quite so neatly into any box, works that others might deem “unmarketable”.
We want to take those manuscripts out of the bottom drawer, shake off the dust, and get them into the hands of readers.
So take a look around and discover some great stuff that may have gone unnoticed eslewhere.”
Lilliput Review
“Lilliput Review is a print magazine founded in 1989 and dedicated to the short poem. The magazine’s normal format, 4.25 x 3.5″, reflects its name and that focus. It is published irregularly, two issues at a time, with every 4th issue or so being a broadside featuring the work of a single poet.”
Literacy Pittsburgh
Facebook & Twitter
“Literacy Pittsburgh offers free educational programs for adults and families in Allegheny County and Beaver County.”
Facebook & Twitter
“LitLovers.com was created by Molly Lundquist, a former college English instructor, who loves to read and can’t stop talking and blogging about literature.”
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram & Substack
“Celebrating Literary Pittsburgh Since 2015!”
Long Shot Books
Facebook & Twitter & YouTube
“Long Shot Books is a limited liability company founded on 04/13/2018 by Maureen Crowley and Todd Crawford […] They decided to start a publishing company because they thought it would be nice to be on the other end of rejection for once.”
Low Ghost Press
“Low Ghost Press is a Pittsburgh, PA publishing enterprise founded in 2008 by Kristofer Collins.”
The Madwomen in the Attic
Facebook & Twitter
“The Madwomen in the Attic workshops help writers nurture their work with groups of like-minded, serious writers through small, supportive, powerful workshops.” (Est. 1979!).”
Mt. Lebanon Library’s Speaker Series
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram
“The Mt. Lebanon Public Library Speaker Series has attracted over 4,500 attendees with a line-up of bestselling authors such as Alexander McCall Smith, Joyce Carol Oates, Lisa See, Erik Larson, and Amor Towles.”
Nasty Slam
Facebook & Twitter
“Nasty Slam is a head-to-head poetry slam in Pittsburgh, judged by audience applause.”
Northern Appalachia Review
Facebook & Instagram
“The Northern Appalachia Review seeks to convey the character of the people and places of northern Appalachia by publishing literature that best represents the region as both distinct from and part of greater Appalachia.”
Novel Breads Co.
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram
“Novel Breads Co. is a new concept company. It’s part artisan bread micro-bakery, part bread store, part independent bookstore and part gourmet food store.”
One Idea Press
“One Idea Press is a women-owned independent press. We are committed to working with a diverse range of authors whose stories and ideas may often get overlooked by traditional publishers.” (Leechburg, PA)
The Other Folk
“Essays on horror in film, art, music, & literature. Horror flash fiction, essays, & prose poems.”
Facebook & Twitter
“Parsec is a 501c3 non-profit organization promoting science fiction, fantasy and horror in literature, media and music for over 30 years.”
Facebook & Twitter
“The premier writing organization of Pennsylvania & surrounding areas. Our mission is to help writers of all levels, to succeed in their craft.”
Picking Books
“Located on the corner of cultured and quirky, Picking Books is where we match readers to the right book for them.”
Pitt Poetry Series
Facebook & Twitter
“Since its inception in 1967, the Pitt Poetry Series has been a vehicle for America’s finest contemporary poets.”
Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures
Facebook & Twitter
“Connecting celebrated authors with the community, elevating civic discourse, inspiring creativity and a passion for the literary arts.”
Pittsburgh City Paper
Facebook & Twitter
“Pittsburgh’s free alternative news and arts publication since 1991.”
Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series
Facebook & Twitter
“The Pittsburgh Contemporary Writers Series sponsors events through the University of Pittsburgh. All events are free and open to the public.”
Pittsburgh Magazine
Facebook & Twitter
“Always telling the stories of Pittsburgh.”
Pittsburgh New Works Festival
Facebook & Twitter
“Pittsburgh’s international new play fest bringing playwrights & companies together to stage world premiere work.”
Pittsburgh Poetry Collective
Facebook & Twitter
“We make and hold space for self-expression, identity exploration, and social justice.”
Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange
“Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange, a friendly critique group open to all, meets the first Monday of each month at 7 pm in the community room at the Brentwood Public Library. A $2 contribution is asked for the library. Anyone who wishes to share a poem and hear comments from peers should bring 12-15 copies of their poem.”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Facebook & Twitter
“Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania’s leading source for news and analysis.”
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Facebook & Twitter
“Covers Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania news, sports, politics, entertainment and more.”
Pittsburgh Zine Fair
Facebook & Twitter
“The PZF has attracted a diverse group of artists, writers and activists from across the region whose content varies but the format remains the same: the zine.”
Plays Inverse
Facebook & Twitter & Distro
“Independent publisher of plays and play-like literature.”
The Poet’s Press
“Publishing Fine Poetry Since 1971.”
Prosody (Archives)
“Prosody, which aired every Saturday morning on listener-supported WESA 90.5 FM, was Western Pennsylvania’s only regularly scheduled radio program featuring contemporary poets and writers.”
We’re keeping Prosody on this list because you can still stream their archives here.
Reading is FUNdamental – Pittsburgh
Facebook & Twitter
“Our Mission: provide children with the resources, motivation and opportunities to develop a life-long love of reading.”
Red Flag Press
Facebook & Twitter & Tumblr
“Red Flag Poetry will make you love your mailbox again by mailing you awesome poetry postcards monthly” (Indiana, PA)
Sampsonia Way
Facebook & Twitter
“Sampsonia Way magazine celebrates literary freedom of expression & supports persecuted writers & journalists worldwide. Sponsored by City of Asylum.”
Sisters in Crime – Pittsburgh
Facebook & Twitter
“Sisters in Crime is an international organization of writers, readers, booksellers, librarians, agents, editors, reviewers, and teachers interested in promoting the work of women mystery writers.”
Six Gallery Press
Facebook & Twitter
“Six Gallery Press has been publishing books since 2000. We are doing our best to do better.”
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators – Western PA
Instagram & Twitter
“The world’s largest org dedicated to helping writers and illustrators of books from infancy to teens – in Pennsylvania: West!”
Speakeasy (Pitt Reading Series)
Facebook & Twitter
“Speakeasy is the reading series of the University of Pittsburgh’s Creative Writing MFA program.”
Steer Queer
“Steer Queer aims to promote collaboration, networking, education, support and understanding related to social justice within the queer community. ”
St. Lynn’s Press
Facebook & Twitter
“We publish books on organic gardening, sustainable living, ‘local’ and ‘slow’ lifestyles and self-reliance.”
Stranded Oak Press
Facebook & Twitter
“Indie chapbook press for PGH poets.”
United Black Book Clubs of Pittsburgh
“UBBCP is an association of librarians, readers, and book clubs in Pittsburgh, PA. Through an united effort, UBBCP was formed to promote literary activities and events, to provide community outreach programs and to spread the love of reading throughout the community. Although UBBCP officially formed in 2004, various books have collaborated to bring authors and spread literacy to Pittsburgh since 1991. Membership is open to any reader or book club in the greater Pittsburgh region. UBBCP’s motto is to encourage everyone to ‘ride the wind of reading.'”
University of Pittsburgh Press
Facebook & Twitter
“The University of Pittsburgh Press publishes scholarly books in humanities, social sciences, short fiction, & Pittsburgh.”
Uppagus Magazine
Facebook & Twitter
“Publishes poetry and flash fiction. Not imaginary.”
Why There Are Words
“Pittsburgh branch of the national literary reading series, Why There Are Words.”
Wine & Words Pittsburgh
Facebook & Twitter
“Promoting & celebrating good libations & artistic creations in cool places.”
Write Pittsburgh
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
“Creative writing workshops for teens and adults throughout Pittsburgh. Member of Dave Eggers’ International Alliance of Youth Writing Centers.”
Write or Die (WorD)
“Write or Die (WorD) is a Pittsburgh, PA science fiction, fantasy & horror writing and critique group. Established in 1996, it has been steadily growing since then. Meetings are free to attend and open to the public.”
Writers Association of Northern Appalachia (WANA)
“Founded in 2019 WANA hosts WANA LIVE!: The Reading Series of the Writers Association of Northern Appalachia, publishes the literary journal Appalachian Lit, and hosts conferences and retreats. ”
Writers Conference of Northern Appalachia (WCoNA)
Twitter & Facebook
“The Writers Conference of Northern Appalachia Inc. (WCoNA) brings together writers and others interested in the region’s literature.”
The Writing Program (Pitt)
Facebook & Twitter
“Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, award-winning writers, distinguished faculty.”
The Writing Studio
“The Writing Studio offers tutoring services, editing services, and creative writing workshops. We assist those who wish to improve their skills as well as those who excel in writing. We work on projects large and small, with writers of all ages.”
Zizia Studio
LinkedIn & Facebook & Instagram & X
“Zizia Studio, LLC, was established in June 2024. Owner and founder M. Christine Benner Dixon, Ph.D., has been offering editing and writing services since 2019. Her clients have ranged from academics to filmmakers, small businesses to nonprofits. With over fifteen years of teaching experience, multiple award-winning books, and a doctorate in English literature, Christine brings a high level of expertise to her work…”