From the Publisher: “Set during World War II, Always Remembering unravels the timeless love story inspired by a Pittsburgh couple. Feel the tender ache of separation and the tumultuous waves of war as you immerse yourself in the heartfelt letters of Mike—each stroke of the pen a poetic declaration, signed with a promise: ‘Always Remembering, Never Forgetting, Loving You Forever.’ Each letter encapsulates their bond, a lifeline transcending their distance and the ravages of war.
Walk in Mike’s shoes, a devoted medic enduring the horrors of war, and witness Helen’s battles on the home front. Their tale is a testament to the power of love amidst chaos. This touching tale weaves together their perspectives, beautifully capturing their unwavering commitment and enduring love—a testament to cherishing and never forgetting the one who holds their heart.”
More info About the Author: “Kathy Kasunich, grew up on the South Side flats of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and lived in the South Hills until a few years ago. She traded her snow boots and parkas for sunglasses and sweaters, now basking in the charming, sunny, historical town of Williamsburg, Virginia. Always Remembering is her debut novel.
Alongside her writing pursuits, Kathy Kasunich is a passionate photographer, directing her lens toward nature, architecture, and the delightful moments shared with her grandchildren. She has contributed as a writer and a photojournalist to local newspapers, which bolstered her confidence to write her first novel. However, her love of photography, family, and history ignited the spark for writing Always Remembering. As a shutterbug, freezing moments in time, she wanted to preserve the memories of the ordinary heroes of World War II. They were the individuals who never adorned the front page but their legacies have etched a lasting impression in the forefront of our minds.”
Author Site
What motivated you to write this book?
After my father passed away, my mother came across his war diary and shared it with me. As I began reading, I became engrossed in the story it told – detailing his experiences, emotions, and the places he encountered during World War II. It was the first time I had seen it, and I was instantly captivated. I asked my mother if I could have it, and she agreed. The combination of scribbled handwriting and references to unfamiliar cities made it challenging to decipher the diary. To improve clarity, I transcribed it. In the process, I unearthed a profoundly personal story and at the time I felt there was a story within those pages, but it remained a fleeting thought. Years later, after my mother’s passing, I acquired a collection of letters, history books detailing my father’s division, photographs, and assorted memorabilia, all with historical significance. Alongside the stories my parents had shared with me, I realized I had the makings of a compelling narrative detailing the lives of an ordinary couple during extraordinary times. While many accounts from that era focus on commanders, units, and heroic deeds, I was drawn to telling the story of the average GI Joe and his girl – how the war personally affected them and the trials they faced. Their story is not just theirs alone; it reflects the experiences of countless Americans during that tumultuous period. I also realized many from that era have passed and their stories remain with them. Given the wealth of information at my disposal, I felt compelled to share my parents’ story.

Is it a romance story or more?
While the core of the book revolves around my parents’ romance, it also serves as a historical account of my father’s time as a medic in the 42nd Rainbow Division during World War II.
It follows their trail from bootcamp to France, Germany eventually liberating Dachau concentration camp and eventually as the army of occupation in Austria. It’s also not a “woman’s story” it is their story since the book is told through both of their perspectives and the book also contains unedited letters from my father which reveal Mike’s personal account of the war.
What is this book’s connection to Pittsburgh?
My parents were both from Pittsburgh, and the story is deeply rooted in the city. Many of the events in the book take place in various neighborhoods throughout Pittsburgh, particularly the South Side and Mt. Washington, which were significant to my parents’ lives.
Did you have to do a lot of research to make it historically accurate?
Yes, ensuring historical accuracy was crucial to me. In addition to my father’s personal belongings, I conducted extensive research at libraries, including the Carnegie Library and the Library of Congress. I also interviewed World War II veterans and medics to gather additional insights and details about the time period and my father’s experiences.
How long did it take you to write?
The process of writing this book spanned several years. Initially, I struggled with how to structure the narrative and what to include. However, as I conducted more research and gained a deeper understanding of the story I wanted to tell, the pieces began to fall into place. The Covid pandemic provided me with the time and focus to complete the book, and it was finally launched at the Carnegie Library of South Side on April 9, 2022 – a significant date that coincided with the anniversary of my father’s passing. He would have been 100 years old in 2022.
Do you plan to write any more books?
Yes, I have always enjoyed writing, and this project has reignited my passion for storytelling. Since completing the book, I have written poems and short stories, some of which have been published. Currently, I am working on a historical fiction novel set in colonial Williamsburg in the 1700s, exploring new themes and time periods while continuing to hone my craft as a writer.
Why’d you choose the title Always Remembering?
There are two reasons for this title. First my father signed his letters to my mom, Always Remembering, Never Forgetting, Loving you Forever. Also memories are important to keeping their relationship alive. In an era where skype, facetime, instant messaging, phone calls or any immediate communication is unavailable they must rely on their memories to keep their relationship alive and remember why they fell in love with each other. Memories are treasures that sustain us during difficult times, breathing life into forgotten people and places and allow us to embrace scenes that heal our hearts and make us laugh.